Teacher statistics in Schools

Teachers in Schools.

The average (mean) pay for full-time classroom teachers in all schools is £34,700. It is slightly higher for male teachers: £36,000 compared with £34,100 for female teachers.

Of the 438,100 full-time equivalent teachers 27% are male; however only 14% of primary school teachers are male

Over half, 54%, of all FTE teachers are aged under 40:
23% are under 30;
31% are aged between 30 and 40.

Of the remaining 46%, 23% are aged between 40 and 50;
20% are aged between 50 and 60 and just under
3% of teachers are over 60

Ethnicity details are known for 95% of all teachers. Of these, 88.8% are White British. This proportion rises to 92.5% for Deputy and Assistant Heads and to 94.5% for Head Teachers

Source: Department for Education 2011